Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Woman's Right to Shoes

I have loved these shoes ever since I saw the Sex & the City Episode, "A Woman's Right to Shoes".
They are beautiful Manolo Blahniks, running a mere $400+
Unfortunately I can't afford such shoes. So instead I dreamt of what life would be like if I had such shoes. Suddenly my outfits would come pouring out of the closet perfectly matched and accesorized. My hair would fall magickly into place, never a wild strand to speak of! I would instantly become a size 2 and look as hot as any of the women on Sex & The City!
Well thanks to designer "knock-offs" we will soon know if all that will come true! I found the shoes, well okay, a cheaper alternative that looks very very similar- on (where else) E bay!!
Thanks to my sister's sleuthing, we found them. They are being shipped to my house as we speak. I will post a picture of them on my feet once they arrive! Stay Tuned!!