Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hooray for Potty Training!

After months and months of waiting for Jordan to take some interest in the potty himself, I gave up.

I decided that I couldn't afford two kids in diapers, and changing two kids all day was exhausting. So we decided to do Potty Training Boot Camp! This method was given to us by our friend Angela.

Basically we picked a long weekend and went to work. I had a four day weekend over labor day, so we chose that one.

We started bright and early Friday morning! We got the big boy underwear on Jordan, and every twenty minutes we fought him to sit on the potty. It was horrible, to say the least. The kid is incredibly determined and strong willed. By noon I had enough, and told Joe I was gonna go to work! But we stuck it out and kept going. Finally by the end of the day he did pee on the potty!

By Saturday afternoon he got the idea. By Monday he was a pro. It has been now three weeks, and he is doing pretty well. He does have the occasional accident, and we are using Pull-ups at night (mostly b/c I get so little sleep with Claire, I didn't want to add bet wetting issues into the mix).

Hooray for Jordan!